In 1993, The Dunes Casino and Hotel in Las Vegas closed.
Poker Blog
Play By E-Mail Poker Tournament #1: Day 5
Welcome to Day 5 of the Play by E-Mail Poker Tournament. We’re down to 4 people. The blinds will be going up on hand 13 to 40/80, however the short stack Spasms still has 10BB to play with. Hand 12: … Continue reading
Play By E-Mail Poker Tournament #1: Day 4
Day 4 of the Play by E-mail Poker League, 2 hands played, both below: Hand 10;
Play by E-mail Poker Tournament #1: Day 3
Welcome to day 3 of the Play By E-mail Texas Holdem Tournament. We’re still at 6 people, but only just. Today will be a dramatic day. Hand 7: Blinds Raised. sublyme(1548): :7s::5s: EngineerSean(1489): :5d::9s: Sheep-Goats(54): :ks::as: Spasms(1430): :10d::qd: Regular_John(1480): :4h::kc: … Continue reading
Play By E-Mail Poker Tournament 1: Day 2
Day 2 of our poker tournament and there was a lot of very interesting hands! Let’s get right to them. Hand 3: sublyme(1588): :6h::5h: EngineerSean(1446): :as::jd: Sheep-Goats(1500): :7c::10s: Spasms(1500): : :8d::5d: Regular_John(1530): :qd::4d: 13/f/cali(1436): :ad::6s:
Play By E-Mail Poker League 1: Day 1
Welcome to the GSOP Play by E-Mail League, Day 1. I’ve been running private tournaments on one of the forums I run for years, and due to the aftermath of Black Friday, we decided to take it to the streets, … Continue reading